During the Week
- [ ] Go over the service notes for your upcoming service
- [ ] Listen to recordings of the songs from Planning Center so you have an idea what to focus on at different times
- [ ] Attend rehearsal to set scene setting for your upcoming service and remember to save them. Take notice of things that will have to be adjusted during the service. (Solos, lead instruments, etc.)
- [ ] Turn on Soundboard (if not already done)
- [ ] Choose the correct service scene
- [ ] Move the Master so that the top of the slide is on -5
- [ ] Attend Sound Check and make any adjustments that need to be made.
- [ ] Make sure sound is working on Listening devices
During Services
- [ ] Continually monitor all sound levels.
- [ ] Remain in booth or find someone to cover for you if you need to leave for any reason.
Between Services
- [ ] After 8am Service remain in place for 9am Sound check
- [ ] Begin recording to SD card in the 10:50am service by the time the Countdown begins
Post-Final Service
- [ ] Turn off the Soundboard
- [ ] Turn off overhead light over board