During the Week
- [ ] Prepare songs in ProPresenter (arrangements, backgrounds, placement order) using planning center online.
- [ ] Make sure song lyrics can be displayed in two lines on each slide
- [ ] Make sure PowerPoint sermon files are imported into ProPresenter unless they are animated
- [ ] Add Camera 1 Input into the playlist after the welcome if there is a baptism
- [ ] Add any music audio into the audio or onto a slide as needed
- [ ] Present slides at 7pm Wednesday rehearsal for the following Sunday morning to make sure the arrangements are correct and to double check slides.
- [ ] Add Announcement Loop and Countdown to the playlist(s)
- [ ] Turn on Projectors
- [ ] Restart ProPresenter
- [ ] Present slides for Sound Check (Sunday 7:20am for 8am service, and Sunday 9am for 9:30am/10:50am Services)
- [ ] Begin Announcement loop as soon as Sound Check(s) finish(es)
- [ ] Start Countdown 5 minutes before each service.
During Services
- [ ] Present items on the services playlist in order of the service plan, but be ready for spontaneity from leadership
- [ ] On song lyrics present slides on the next to last lyric typically, but slightly later or earlier depending on the tempo of the song.
- [ ] Read words should be presented as they are read.
- [ ] Be prepared to help the speaker if their “Clicker” stops responding