During the Week
- [ ] Go over the service notes for your upcoming service
- [ ] Listen to recordings of the songs from Planning Center so you have an idea what to focus on at different times
- [ ] Turn on all cameras and the Stream Computer (If not already on)
- [ ] Open Vmix and click “last”
- [ ] Check that ATEM is on and settings are correct for cameras and sound
- [ ] Make sure you are getting sound within Vmix and through the headphones
- [ ] Bring up Chrome Browser on the computer and click on Youtube stream
- [ ] Change the Youtube title to reflect the current Sunday
- [ ] Attend 9am sound check to make final adjustments
During Services
- [ ] Start streaming as soon as the Countdown begins. (5 minutes before the service time)
- [ ] Follow service plan, but be ready for spontaneity from the leadership.
- [ ] Close-ups are permitted and encouraged from time to time.
- [ ] If the speaker uses slides zoom in on them for 7 seconds when slide is presented and then return them to the upper left hand corner of the screen. If the speaker is not referring to the slide you are welcome to do close up, preferably with the Sony camera.
- [ ] Start the ending video at the end of the Closing Song
- [ ] Stop Stream, then recording after the ending video
Between Services